středa 25. března 2009

Ad: Atractive job offer or Looking for Prime Minister in Central Europe

Advertisement (not payed):

Country in Central Europe in longterm political crises and awaiting deep economical downturn is looking for capable and active Prime Minister.

- to introduce unpopular reforms, especialy clean mess in health care, education and state budget
- to prepare detailed plan of introducing euro, which will be realistic one
- to stabilize political situation to extent that will be possible to anticipate what will happen next month
- to calm down foreign investors
- to beat popular and populistic leader of opposition to his total defeat
- to secure victory for party which will nominate him in next elections (whenever they might be)

Qualifications and experience required:
- basic education
- ability to keep mouth shut about manipulations behind scenes even after fourth beer of third barack palinka
- ability to act quickly without deeper thoughts about problems
- loyalty to team of advisors which will be nominated by someone else
- a great respect towards minorities, especialy Roma, pensioners, members of trade unions, women, Greens, journialists and economists

- remuneration according to state approved bureaucratic postcommunist system of salaries
- fixed term contract
- office with nice view on important European river
- a routine press conferencies with very curious journalists
- cordial hatred of public and political partners, which could be demonstrated either as throwed egg, or as publishing of intimate details from family life or from communist secret police archives
- Audi A8 as business car (with driver)

- Mirek Topolánek, nabrezi Edvarda Beneše 4, Prague 1
- Ferenc Gyurcsány, Kossuth tér 1-3, Budapest

Hungarian version of this advertisement see blog:
Thanks to Andras for translating for me Hungarian original, which I expanded for general Central European purposes after (a little bit unexpected) events in Prague.

1 komentář:

Tamas řekl(a)...

May I suggest - as a further item on the essential qualifications list - the fluff filling of head? It worked so well in the past.