úterý 8. dubna 2008

Of carmakers and dreamers

I really do not understand it. German Daimler wants to build another car factory in Central Europe (Poland?, Czechia?, Romania?), while all existing car producers in New Detroit has been desperately searching for workforce in Ukraine, Vietnam and even Pakistan. Czechia and Slovakia compete about who will produce more cars per head, Poland has record low unemployment (around 11 pc. and according to daily Dziennik even one third of them work in shadow economy). There are no engeneers or technicians on the market and salaries (and inflation) have been going up slowly, but steadily. Well paid workers in Czech Skoda factory plan new strikes for this autumn to get some boost, their colleagues in Wroclaw (Opel) or Tichy (Fiat) did exactly that last year.
Then there must be something "automotive" here between Odra river and Carpathian mountains. Roads are not to much carfriendly, Polish troubles with contruction of new highways are well known, as well as Czech and Slovak ones.
Attraction for investors must lie in medium term incetives plus proximity of Western market plus hopes connected with hunger for new cars in newly rich countries of postsocialist world. And we are not speaking about promising Ukrainian and Russian market. Then being construction specialist in Central Europe these days is not a bad option.
But what is worring that we are more and more dependent on car industry, which is - I must admit - not the best one from the perspective of modern technology and added value. Desings of cars are still being made somewhere else. So, for the moment we are dependent of the price of Skoda, Kia, Opel, Fiat, VW on the market similarly to Saudi Arabia or Russia with their oil.
But on the other hand, to quote one of the Slovak reformers with long vision of development, being Detroit of Europe is only one stage in steps towards modern, high-tech and high-value added society and state. It is only pity that Slovak reformers have lost last elections and cannot show us how to fulfill their dream.

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